Main Topics :
- Ventilation From The Basics To The Most Update,
- Invasive and Non-invasives!
- Vaccination
- RSV Prophylaxis «Update
- Vaccinations «The Challenges and The Near Future».
- Minimally Invasive Surfactant Therapy: An Update.
- Nutrition: From The Newborn To The Fourteenth.
- Neonatal Transport.
- Neonatal Radiology.
- Vitamin D «Updatex
- Zinc and others Related Illnesses.
- Metabolic Crisis And Inborn Errors of Metabolism.
- Pediatric Cardiology Challenges
- Child Growth Perspectives.
- Epilepsy and Simila.
- Acute Kidney Injury And CRRT.
- Simulation on Pediatric Emergencies.
- Atopic Dermatitis «Novel Approach
- Autism And ADHD
- Pediatric Ethics And Litigation.
- Research: To Publish or To Perish